četrtek, 11. september 2014


Ok, so this is the first guest post on my blog. It came from a young breastfeeding mother and I'm very happy about her progress. Not only because she is my dear sister :) but also because she is very diligent and allaronund excellent trainee!
The post consist of two parts. First one is in slovenian language and the second is in english. So here it is..
Moje ime je Marija in sem mati dveh otrok. Po drugi nosečnosti in porodu mi je ostalo kar nekaj odvečnih kilogramov. Odvisno od izhodiščnega stanja (pred prvo ali pred drugo nosečnostjo) 10-15 kilogramov viška. Pred seboj sem imela cilj: obleči prednosečniško garderobo še preden se po porodniški odsotnosti vrnem nazaj v službo.
Za pomoč sem prosila trenerja Ivana. 6 tednov po porodu sem začela trenirati pod njegovim vodstvom. Sprva je bil izziv vriniti uro treninga trikrat na teden v pester urnik dneva. Kasneje sem ugotovila, da gredo otroški voziček in igranje starejšega otroka v peskovniku ali z najljubšimi igračami medtem ko mamica slabo uro trenira, prav lepo skupaj.
Prehrano nismo pretirano spreminjali, ker sem še polno dojila in zato nisem želela eksperimentirati. Spremenila sem zgolj dve stvari: iz prehrane sem izločila sladkorje (sladkarije, sladkani sokovi) in zmanjšala vnos ogljikovih hidratov (manj kruha, testenin, čim manj nezdravih prigrizkov). Še posebej mi je bilo všeč, da se je trener Ivan časovno in lokacijsko popolnoma prilagodil meni (kar je za mamico dveh malih otrok nujno). Treningi pa so bili zasnovani tako, da sem lahko vse odvadila doma. Ni mi bilo treba hoditi nikamor, iskati varstva ali celo plačevati dodatno članarino za vadbene klube ali fitnese, da bi vadila tam. V tednu dni sem morala najti le 3x po 1 uro časa, da sem vadila po planu treningov, ki jih je pripravil trener.
Treningi pod budnim očesom trenerja in vadba po njegovih skrbno pripravljenih individualiziranih programih je hitro pokazala rezultate. Tudi na tehtnici. Ker sem analitičen tip sem izgubo kilogramov tedensko beležila. Vsak teden je tehtnica pokazala v povprečju dobrega 0,5 kg manj. Kar je po štirih mesecih vadbe pomenilo kar 10 kg manj kot sem jih imela preden sem začela trenirati s trenerjem Ivanom.
A s časoma sem ugotovila, da glavni in najpomembnejši rezultati niti približno niso številke na tehtnici. Od kar treniram je počutje veliko boljše, imam veliko več energije, več moči, veliko manjšo konfekcijsko številko, bolj zdrav in kakovosten življenjski slog. In še bi lahko naštevala. 
Večino kosov prednosečniške garderobe lahko oblečem, nekateri so mi celo preveliki. Kilogrami so se stopili. A zdaj imam drugi cilj, ki ni povezan s številkami, ki jih pokaže tehtnica. Cilj je postal, kot je trener Ivan povedal že na začetku, premičen. Konstantno skrbeti za vedno boljšo psiho fizično pripravljenost. Pri tem pa je izguba odvečnih kilogramov in maščobnih oblog ter bolj čvrsto telo zgolj nujen postranski učinek.
Vztrajam pri vadbi pod strokovnim vodstvom trenerja Ivana in ga priporočam. Tehtnico pa lahko pospravim.

My name is Marija and I am mother of two. After second pregnancy and childbirth I had a few extra pounds to lose. Depending on the initial situation (before the first or before the second pregnancy) there were 22-33 too much. I had a goal: to wear before pregnancy wardrobe again and before the maternity leave ends and I get back to work.
I asked coach Ivan to help me. 6 weeks after giving birth I started to train under his leadership. At first it was a challenge to squeeze an hour of training three times a week in a diverse schedule of the day. Later I found out that my training go very nice together with stroller and older child playing in the sandbox or with favorite toys while mommy is practicing.
We did not change food much, because I was still full breastfeeding my baby and so I was not prepared to experiment much with food. I changed only two things: I eliminated sugars from the diet (candy, sweetened juices ...) and decreased carbohydrate intake (less bread, pasta, minimize unhealthy snacks ...). I especially liked that the trainer Ivan completely adjusted timing and location to me (which is for mother of two small children necessary). Trainings were designed in such a way that I could do them completely all at home. I did not need to go anywhere; I did not have to seek for babysitting during my training, or even pay extra fees for fitness clubs to practice there. I just have to find a 3 times a week 1 hour of time to train according to plan, prepared by the coach.
Training under the watchful eye of Coach Ivan and exercise in his carefully prepared individualized programs quickly showed results. Results were seen also on the scales. Because I'm an analytical type, I recorded my weight loss per week. Each week the scales showed an average one pound less. This, after four months of training, resulted in 22 pounds less than I had before I started to train with Coach Ivan.
But eventually I realized that the main and most important results are not merely numbers on the scales. As I started to train I feel much better, I have a lot more energy, more strength, much smaller wardrobe size, the more healthy and quality lifestyle. And the list goes on.
Most of the pieces before pregnancy wardrobe, I can wear. Some pieces are even too big now. Pounds have melted. But now I have another goal that is not associated with numbers that scales show. The aim is, as coach Ivan said at the beginning, constantly changing. Goal is gaining better and better psycho-physical condition. In this context, the loss of weigh, loss of body fat and gaining firmer muscles are only necessary secondary effect.
I continue on training under the expert guidance of Coach Ivan and recommend it.

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